WELCOME to the Church on the Rock
Training for Service Bible College
The Training for Service School of Ministry is an extension of Church on the Rock Ministries in New Castle, DE. A non-profit organization, those who attend are committed to answering the call of God and are preparing for ministry or they seek knowledge because they are dedicated to developing a greater personal relationship with the Lord. We, at the TFS Bible College believe effective ministry occurs when we really understand who God is and make a commitment to develop a relationship with Him. When this occurs, we can fulfill the Great Commission and impact the world.
The objective of the Church On The Rock Ministries, Inc. is to provide well-rounded training for student’s to prepare for the call of God on their life. Whether you want to take a course or two to enhance your understanding of a particular topic, receive your certification as a licensed minister or elder, or work toward receiving an associates degree in one of our degreed graduate programs, we can help you accomplish your goals.
It is our hope that each student uses the tools available through the school to fulfill their spiritual potential.
To view on online brochure, click the following link:
To register for the Fall 2024 Semester: