Weekly Schedule

Sundays – 10:00AM – Morning Prayer
1st Sundays – 10:30AM – Holy Communion Service Sundays      
Sundays – 10:30AM – Morning Worship
Tuesdays, 12noon – Hour of Power Prayer
Wednesdays, 7PM – Bible Study on Zoom.US
       ID – 865 9493 9656    Passcode – 123456
1st Saturdays, Men’s Fellowship
2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sundays, ForKidz Program during service
3rd Saturdays, Free Food Giveaway from 11am-1pm
Last Wednesdays, 8PM on Zoom – Standing in the Gap Prayer Group
4th Sundays, 6:30pm, Teen Bible Study
For more information leave a message on (302-429-9305 or email, cotrmininstries@gmail.com
God has called Bishop Pitts to PRAY for the sick and we believe according to your faith they WILL 
recover.  We have seen and have had many testimonies of Miracles through this Women of God.
Come believing God for your miracle.